
Online Resources for Parents

Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Parenting Magazine features articles from hundreds of contributors including respected professionals, autism experts, parents of children on the spectrum and adults with autism.

Adoptive Families

Adoptive Families is an award-winning resource for parents-to-be navigating the adoption process and for parents raising children through adoption. It provides information and support through expert articles, personal stories, expert audio, in-depth eBooks, made-for-sharing Clip & Save tipsheets, parent-to-parent interaction, and more.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media rates movies, TV shows, books, and more so parents can feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids.

Gay Parent Magazine

Gay Parent Magazine’s focus is to support and empower LGBTQ+ parents and LGBTQ+ wishing to become first time parents. On our pages, parents speak candidly about their experiences with adoption, foster care, egg and sperm donors, surrogacy, parenting with an ex, coming out after being in a straight marriage, co-parenting, divorce and custody issues, and discrimination.

Hand in Hand Parenting

Hand in Hand Parenting offers vital information to help parents deal with issues from children biting and kids’ temper tantrums to learning issues and bullying on playgrounds and in schools.

Provides information about everything from products and services to the inspiring stories of homeschoolers around the world.

Macaroni Kid

Hudson County Macaroni Kid publishes weekly, hyper-local e-newsletters and websites featuring events, activities, products and places for moms, kids and families. They also host local events and parties and connect with local communities via rich and extensive social media channels.

NJ Family

Moms, dads, and grandparents can log on 24/7 to access things to do in NJ, including the state’s most comprehensive calendar of family-friendly events. You can also find specific information about exceptional pediatric healthcare providers, schools, childcare options, events and places, summer camps, and much more.

NJ Parent Link

The NJ Parent Link website highlights NJ State services and resources. Federal and community resources are also included.

Provides help, recipes, articles, tips, and advice for all types of parents.

PBS Parents

PBS Parents is an aid for parents. It showcases PBS programming, provides activities for families, resources for parents, family game night ideas, and more.

Reading Rockets

Reading Rockets is a national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.

The Conscious Kid

An education, research, and policy organization dedicated to equity and promoting healthy racial identity development in youth. Provides book lists and resources for educators, parents, and families in taking action to disrupt racism in young children.

Today’s Parent

Today’s Parent speaks to parents with children from birth to ages 9+. They will get insightful information for all ages and stages on discipline, health, behaviour, education, plus easy and nutritious recipes and so much more.

We Need Diverse Books

Nonprofit organization that provides diverse book lists and advocates for essential changes in the publishing industry to produce and promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people.