There has been a lot of information about where, how, and when you can get a COVID-19 vaccine. You may have even started hearing from friends and family in healthcare who have gotten the vaccine or have scheduled an appointment for it. But where do you go to find more information about all things related to the COVID-19 vaccines? 

Here are some helpful links and sign-ups that should help you stay informed about the latest COVID-19 vaccine updates, specifically for NJ residents, workers, and students.

Please note that you are not required to show proof of NJ residency or proof of US citizenship in order to receive the vaccine.  Information about the vaccine and who can get it is being updated regularly by the state, so check the links below regularly for the most current information!


General information including how and where to get the vaccine – New Jersey

General information about Covid-19 Vaccination – NJ Department of Health

Healthcare workers Covid-19 vaccine locations

Fact sheet for Covid-19 vaccine – Pfizer-BioNtech 

Fact sheet for Covid-19 vaccine – Moderna

Facts about Covid-19 vaccines – CDC 

Vaccination information of phase 1A/1B

Vaccination timeline and priority groups

How do Covid-19 vaccines work 

Ensuring the safety of Covid-19 vaccines in the United States – CDC