One of the best gifts a parent or guardian can give their child is to nurture the love of books and reading. Therefore, we celebrate  Día.  “Día is a nationally recognized initiative that emphasizes the importance of literacy for all children from all backgrounds.”  As such, the North Bergen Public Library is proud to offer children and their families diverse books, languages, and cultures. Come to the library and check out some of the wonderful books curated by the American Library Association that celebrates Día.  –Día: Children’s Day/Book Day. American Library Association 

Uno de los mejores regalos un padre o guardián puede darle a su hijo es fomentar el amor por los libros y la lectura. Por consiguiente, celebramos  Día. “Día es una iniciativa reconocida nacionalmente que enfatiza la importancia de la literatura para niños de todos los antecedentes.” Por lo tanto, la Biblioteca Pública de North Bergen está orgullosa de ofrecer a los niños y sus familias libros diversos que reflejen la diversidad del mundo. Venga a la biblioteca a escoger uno de los maravillosos libros comisariado por el American Library Association en celebración de Día.Día: Children’s Day/Book Day. American Library Association (Traducción proveída por un miembro del personal)

Birth to Pre-K

Everybody In the Red Brick Building by Anne Wynter

Big Feelings by Alexandra Penfold

Kindergarten – Grade 2

Isabel and Her Colores Go to School by Alexandra Alessandri

Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder

Grade 3 – Grade 5

How to Win A Slime War by Mae Respicio

Fast Pitch by Nic Stone

Grade 6 – Grade 8

Yusuf Azeem Is Not A Hero by Saadia Faruqi

Soul Lanterns by Shaw Kuzki

Finding Junie Kim by Ellen Oh

The Kennedy Branch will be closed on February 14, 2025 and the Guttenberg Resource Center will close at 2 PM. All branches of the North Bergen Library will be closed on February 17, 2025.