
ESL Resources


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The library has a large collection of books to teach English, available in English and in Spanish.

Contact the library if you would like to borrow any of the items detailed below.

Beginner's, Intermediate, Advanced

Books for all stages of learning. The types of books in this contained in this collection are workbooks and practice books focused on vocabulary, grammar, pronounciation, idioms, English for school or the workplace, and many more. Pimsleur audiobooks are also available for the auditory learner, and many workbooks come with supplementary CDs.

High Interest Low Readers

Ideal for adults who are learning to read in English, these high interest low vocabulary readers cover a range of reading abilities. We have specialized collections such as:

Welcome Newcomers: a collection of fiction and non-fiction titles tailored towards new migrants. These small hi-lo readers focus on topics such as mathematics, buying a home, grocery shopping, and more. Each book introduces new vocabulary words to learners, and holds a glossary at the end for review. There are supplementary vocabulary  flashcards available for this collection.

ELL Teen Literacy Library: a collection of fiction and nonfiction books aimed at middle school, high school, and adult English language learners, including newcomers. Topics include American History, Everyday Math, and American Culture. Each book introduces new vocabulary words to learners, and holds a glossary at the end for review. There are supplementary vocabulary  flashcards available for this collection.

Easy English News

The library subscribes to a monthly newspaper targeting English learners. The Easy English Newspaper combines timely articles in simple English, and vocabulary games. Copies are available to borrown in-house at the Reference Desk.


The library has a selection of books targeted towards the citizenship exam for those beginning the naturalization process. Our collection includes workbooks that contain information on American history, vocabulary flashcards, exam prep help, and literature provided by USCIS. 

Foreign-Language Collection

The library has collections of books written in Spanish and in Arabic, for those who wish to read in their native tongues. These books are available for adults, teens and children. 

Online Learning

Mango Languages

Mango’s language-learning methodology gives you the confidence to go a little further down that road less traveled. We believe language connects cultures.