
Policies & Services

Library Card Policies
Books, Audio books, and Kits

New items: 14 Days
Renewals: 1
Older Items: 28 Days
Renewals: 2

CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, Video Games, and Magazines

New items: 7 Days
Renewals: 1
Older Items: 14 Days
Renewals: 2


1. Exempt items include High Demand and Reference items which follow different guidelines.
High Demand items circulate for 7 days with 2 renewals, and Reference items do not circulate.

2. All BCCLS libraries’ loan periods follow the above guidelines. This is intended to provide consistency for library users and to better communicate due dates and renewals for items that have been loaned from different libraries.

3. An overdue fine of $0.10 per day will be charged on books. An overdue fine of $1.00 per day will be charged on all media items. For inquiries on fees regarding lost or damaged items, please contact the library’s Circulation Desk.

4. Library cards are issued by the community in which the patron resides or owns property. Minor children in the custody of divorced parents residing in different towns are eligible for two library cards, so long as the parent or legal guardian living in that town is willing to sign for the child’s card. All other local library requirements, e.g. for parent eligibility to sign for a child, pertain.

5. Patrons who work or attend school in a BCCLS town but do not live in a BCCLS town, or an Open Borrowing town, may be issued a Courtesy Card. Courtesy card patrons are only entitled to walk-in use at the issuing library.

6. Items not currently available at our library may be requested from other libraries. Requests may be placed electronically through the BCCLS library catalog or at the library’s Reference Desk. These materials are subject to their home library’s rules and regulations.

For information on how to place a request from the BCCLS library catalog, see the BCCLS Quick User’s Guide.

  • There are three copy machines located throughout the library. Copying can be done on 8 1/2″ x 11″ or 8 1/2″ x 14″ paper at $0.15/page (b&w) and $0.50/page (color).
  • Black and white printing is available from all computer terminals for $0.15/page. Color printing is $0.50/page. For mobile printing, click here. Although the computers do not have floppy disks, if you need to use one please visit the Reference Desk. We have a USB Portable Floppy Drive available for use within the library.
  • Fax: Rates are $1.00/page when sending to a local exchange (201 area code). Other area codes cost $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page. To send an international fax, the charge is $3.00 for the first page and $2.00 for each additional page.
  • Scanning: All copy machines located within the library have scanning capabilities, free of charge.

The library offers wifi for use at all three of our locations. Our public WiFi is free of charge and does not require a password.

At this point in time the library WiFi has been extended to the parking areas for patrons to use while safely social distancing.

Early Literacy Stations

The library has Early Literacy Stations available in our Children’s Department at the Main Library, and one available at the Kennedy Branch, free of charge.

The Early Literacy Station™ (ELS) is designed specifically for your youngest patrons ages 2-8 and features over 4,000 localized learning activities. The fun, interactive and engaging content spans all seven curricular areas: math, science & nature, social studies & geography, reading, art & music, writing & computer skills, and reference. The ELS is available in English, Bilingual Spanish, and Bilingual French.

Wi-fi Hotspots

To check-out a hotspot from the North Bergen Public Library, patrons must agree to the following:

  • Patrons must be 18 years of age or older and sign the “Hotspot Borrowing Agreement” below.
  • There is a limit of 1 hotspot per person.
  • The lending period for a hotspot is one week. There are no renewals. Patrons may borrow a hotspot up to 4 times in a row. Special circumstances may be granted at the discretion of the library director in the case of vacations or trips lasting longer than a week.
  • There is a non-refundable $5/week fee for checking out a hotspot.
  • Hotspots are available to North Bergen and Guttenberg residents only with a card in good standing (no fines or overdue items).
  • There is a $5/day late fee. Hotspots must be returned to the North Bergen Circulation Desk before the library closes on the day it is due. Do not return the hotspot at any other library. Do not return the hotspot in the book drop. Hotspots found in the book drop will incur an automatic $25 replacement fee.
  • Patrons are responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of the hotspot and its components while it is checked out to them. There is a $25 replacement fee if the hotspot or its cord or charger is lost or damaged.
  • The hotspot is suitable for multi-purpose browsing, but is not suited for streaming.
Proctoring Exam Policy

The North Bergen Public Library staff will serve as proctors for exams taken by distance learners residing in North Bergen or Guttenberg within the following guidelines:

  1. Proctoring is a free service.
  2. A minimum of one-week advance notice is required.
  3. All test taking requirements must be received from the issuing educational institution before any tests are taken.
  4. Although all efforts will be made to proctor exams as scheduled, tests may need to be rescheduled if staff members are not available.
  5. Exams will be scheduled during normal library hours of service when a staff member is available to proctor the exam.

Proctoring consists of:

  1. Checking identification of student taking the exam.
  2. All personal items, such as bookbags, cell phones, laptops, etc., will be left in a secure setting with a staff member.
  3. Noting the time that an exam was started and completed in the library.
  4. Signing the required school supplied documentation.

Student Responsibilities:

  1. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm that this proctoring policy meets the requirements of the institution giving the examination.
  2. The service must not involve any direct cost to the Library. Students or the administering institution will be responsible for providing postage and any other expenses incurred.
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the library’s computing resources are adequate for their test taking requirements.
3-D Printing

Please Contact Us for information.

Large Format Machine

Please Contact Us for information.

T-Shirt Press

Please Contact Us for information.

Computer Use Policy

North Bergen and Guttenberg Residents

• Should have a North Bergen library card to access computers. Those who forget their cards, do not have cards, or whose cards are blocked will be treated as non- residents (see “All Others” section)

• Can access computers for three (3) hours per day

• Will be granted time extensions only if more than four (4) computers in the reference area are available for use (not counting computers that are out -of- order) and when school is in session. When school is not in session no time extension will be granted except to children using the computers for homework. Should the library computers fill up, time extensions will be end at the librarian’s discretion.

• Any further time extensions will be granted only at the director’s discretion.

BCCLS Card- holders

• Should have a valid BCCLS library card to access computers. Those who forger their cards, do not have cards, or whose cards are blocked will be treated as non-library cards holders. (See “All Others” section)

• Can access computers for three (3) hours per day

• Will not be granted time extensions

• Any time extensions will be granted only at the director’s discretion


• Can access computers for one (1) hour per day

• Will be granted one (1) hour time extension

• Any further time extension will be granted only at the director’s discretion


• Printing is self-service. Scan the library card at the Self-Service computer station, click “Release a Print Job” and then scan your library card. Printing for black & white copies is $.15 each copy. Color printing is $0.50 per copy.

• The Computer Lab (located in the lower level of the library) is available to any patron with an adult card (7th grade and up).

• Children’s computers are available to any child (6th grade and under) with a valid juvenile library card.

• Patrons are allowed three one-hour sessions per day with their library card. No time extensions will be granted.

Chromebook Lending Program
  • You must be 18 years of age or older and sign the “ChromeBook Borrowing Agreement”. There is a limit of 1 ChromeBook per person.
  • The lending period for a ChromeBook is 90 days (approximately 3 months). There are no renewals. ChromeBooks may be checked out again with the permission of the library director if supply permits, but the ChromeBook must be presented for inspection by library staff before re-lending.
  • There is a refundable $25 deposit to check-out a ChromeBook. This may be cash or check. Deposits will be refunded upon timely return of undamaged ChromeBook. ID must be shown to receive deposit.
  • ChromeBooks are available to North Bergen and Guttenberg residents only with a valid card in good standing (no fines or overdue items). Borrowers must show their library card and a driver’s license, statue-issued picture ID, or passport.
  • There is a $5/day late fee. ChromeBooks must be returned to the North Bergen Circulation Desk before the library closes on the day it is due. Do not return the ChromeBook at any other BCCLS library. Do not return the ChromeBook in the book drop. ChromeBooks found in the book drop will incur an automatic $25 fee.
  • You are responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of the ChromeBook and its components while it is checked out to you. There is a $350 replacement fee if the ChromeBook is lost or damaged, and a $10 replacement fee if its cord or charger is lost or damaged. Viruses and malware are considered damage. Failure to return the device or to report it stolen/lost will result in a theft report being filed with the North Bergen Police Department.

Click here for information on borrowing Museum Passes.