

Does the library have parking?

Yes, all three of our branches have parking lots available for library visitors.

Metered street parking is also available.

How can I apply to work at the library?

Please fill out an Employee Application Form and return it to a service desk at any of our library branches, or email us at info@nbpl.org.

Can I volunteer at the library?

Please fill out a Volunteer Application Form and return to a service desk at any of our branches, or email us at info@nbpl.org.

Can I get a library card if I do not live in North Bergen/Guttenberg?

Although you cannot get a North Bergen Library card if you do not reside here, we do accept cards from other libraries! If your home library is a member of BCCLS, you can enjoy full access to the library. If your home library is within Hudson County, we can provide you with courtesy card access. To see a list of libraries, visit the BCCLS Library Locations web page.

Please note that all programs and classes are for North Bergen/Guttenberg residents only unless otherwise noted on the program flyer.

What is courtesy card access?

Members with courtesy cards can check out North Bergen-owned items and use the library’s computers. However, courtesy card holders cannot access their accounts online, access eBCCLS, use the interlibrary loan system, or check out museum passes.

How do I get a library card?

Please come into the library with photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport) and proof of North Bergen or Guttenberg residency. Proof of residency must be an official document (no junk mail).

Examples include a driver’s license, lease, utility bill, official USPS change of address acknowledgement form, tax or visa document, or bank statement. Once at the library, you will also need to fill out a library card application.

You also have the option of pre-filling out a Library Card Application on the bccls.org website.

What if I do not have proof of residency in my name?

In certain cases, you may only have proof of residency in a family member or spouse’s name. If you are under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian may provide proof of residency on your behalf. If you are an adult, you might qualify for an affidavit card.

Please speak with a Reference librarian to see if you qualify.

Affidavit cards are valid for one year, you must reside with your sponsor for the card to remain valid, and your sponsor must come into the library with you when you fill out your application.

What classes do you offer? How do I sign up?

To see a schedule of classes at the library, please see our Classes & Events Calendar.

You can register for classes on the Classes & Event Calendar. You must be a North Bergen or Guttenberg resident to attend classes.

What ESL classes do you offer?

Please find our ESL classes on the schedule on our Classes & Events Calendar. For additional library resources visit our ESL Resources page.

What equipment do you offer?

The library offers a variety of technology for patron use. Printers/scanners/photocopy/fax. including a 3D printer, T-shirt press, Wifi Hotspots, and a Large Format Printer. For more information about usage and fees see our Policies & Services.

How does interlibrary loan (ILL) work?

If there is an item you want that the library does not have, we may be able to order it for you through interlibrary loan (ILL). Please note that you must have a BCCLS library card in good standing to use ILL. Please allow 2-5 business days for shipping. For directions on how to use ILL, please speak with a librarian or see the BCCLS Quick User’s Guide

Can I place a hold on an item that is currently checked out?

Yes, to place a hold (or order the item via interlibrary loan), please speak with a librarian or follow the directions on the BCCLS Quick User’s Guide. Please note that you must have a BCCLS library card in good standing to place a hold.

Can I return my items after the library is closed?

Yes, the library has book drops at all three of our locations.

Please note that you cannot return museum passes in the book drops.

Can I return my items to another library branch? To another library? What about if my items are owned by another library?

Yes, you may return your items to any BCCLS library. For a list of BCCLS libraries, see the BCCLS Library Locations. If your item is not owned by a BCCLS library, it must be returned to the library you originally borrowed it from.

How does auto-renewal work?

Certain items may be eligible for automatic renewal. These items will renew themselves 3 days before the item’s due date, for the full loan period.

You will receive a notification via text or email if an item has been successfully renewed. If you do not receive a notification, your item may not have been renewed.

Please note that in order to receive notifications from the library, you must provide us with a valid email address or text number and have your preferred contact method set to email or text.

What are some of the reasons why my item may not qualify for auto-renewal?

Your item is not eligible for automatic renewal if it has reached its renewal limit, if another
patron is waiting for the item, if your card has expired, if you owe more than $10 in fees, or if you have 10 or more items currently overdue.

Can I pay my fines online?

You can pay for your fines online by logging into your BCCLS account. Once you have logged in, you can access your fines by selecting ‘Fines & Fees’.

Does my library card ever expire?

Library cards expire 3 years from the date of being issued. In order to renew your card, or if you are unsure if your card is current, please contact our reference desk.

How do I access my library card account online?

To access your library account, login through the BCCLS website. Once you have signed into your account you have the ability to request items, renew items, pay your fines online, and search for items in our shared catalog.

Do you accept book donations?

Due to the large amount of book donations received at the library, we are no longer accepting book donations at this time.

We can recommend contacting your local hospital or clinic, donation centers, community shelters, and other libraries in your area for book donations.