Do you have fond memories of reading as a child?
Perhaps you snuggled up with a parent as they read bedtime stories. Sat on the edge of your seat in as your teacher read the latest chapter of an exciting tale? Maybe you were the type of child who read under the covers with a flashlight, desperate to know what happens next. Just…one…more…page…
Next week, schools and libraries across the nation will be celebrating Read Across America. Launched in 1998 by the National Education Association, the initiative aims to inspire a love of reading in children across the country. Books have an amazing capacity to spark curiosity and imagination. Stories also help us understand ourselves and the world we live in. Read Across America is a wonderful opportunity to bond and create positive memories with the children in your life.
The library will be hosting three special events across our three branches next week with special story times and shows.
Kennedy Branch
Monday, March 4th @ 5PM
Join Mayor Nicholas J. Sacco for his annual story time! Later, enjoy an entertaining Magic Train Show with Magician Steve Woyce!

Guttenberg Resource Center
Wednesday, March 6th @ 5PM
Following story time with Mayor Wayne D. Zitt, kids of all ages can move and groove with Jumpin’ Jamie music concert!

Thursday, March 7th @ 5PM
Join us as Mayor Nicholas J. Sacco shares a favorite book. Christopher Agostino’s unique face painting storytelling performance will follow.

Another way you can celebrate all week is by sharing old favorites or finding new favorites with a child in your life.
To get you started, here are a few childhood favorites from the NBPL staff:

- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
- The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
- Bailey School Kids Series by Debbie Dadey
- Percy Jackson & the Olympians by Rick Riordan
- My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George
- Nancy Drew Series by Caroyln Keene
- The Adventures of Wishbone Series
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