Universal Studios and the Rise of Horror films
In the early days of Hollywood, the majority of the studios were making some of the most enduring films we still love today. However there was one studio that did not make waves and that was Universal. Universal was struggling financially when movies went from Silent...
National New Jersey Day!
July 27th is National New Jersey Day! Today marks New Jersey officially joining the United States as the 3rd state. In honor of NJ Day here are some of our most famous residents! We also have a corresponding display right now at the library! Fashion Designers ...
Celebrate Juneteenth!
Juneteenth commerates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. The first Juneteenth was celebrated on June 19, 1865 two years after the Emancipation Proclaimation was signed into law by President Abrham Lincoln. Union troops came to Galveston, Texas and...
June is Pride Month!
The month of June commemorates lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride. Pride month began following the Stonewall riots in 1969, a major event of the Gay Liberation Movement. Millions across the globe celebrate Pride by participating in marches, throwing...
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